Saturday, January 24, 2009

Monument Valley

Our friend Charmaine Kearl came to visit us (read: Elliot) this week. In celebration, we trekked over to Monument Valley, Utah for the day. Monument Valley is essentially a collection of red rock buttes. While not as awesome as the Grand Canyon, it was undeniably beautiful in its own way. We couldn't find a horse guide, so we drove the tour. It lasted about an hour and a half, and made the 3.5 hour drive (each way, mind you) worth it. So, without further ado, here are some photos.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Finally, a Hike

We've been traveling so much lately we haven't gone on a hike in almost two months. We rectified that today by first driving to Durango and walking the city. We found a couple used book stores (By the way, has anyone else noticed the only people who own used book stores are strung out old hippies. Just an observation.) and didn't find anything interesting. After picking up lunch, we drove to a trail head toward Silverton. Not sure how long we hiked, but it was enough to satisfy us and recharge our batteries for the week. We can't wait for spring. Oh, how nice that will be. Oh, here are some photos.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Old Photos

I've been scanning my old pre-mission and mission pictures and posting them on Facebook, so I thought I would post a few on the blog as well.

I love this one. It shows me at my absolute fattest (I'm second from the left).
And here's one when I entered the MTC. The girl standing next to me was my then girlfriend, Chrstine Pratt. I look super stoked, don't I?

Ah, the memories. By the way, Christine and I dated after the mission, then she broke up with me. Subsequently, she married a guy named Marcus from Fairbanks, Alaska. Mere coincidence? Maybe. (The last bit was a joke. Christine's was a great girl. She now has a couple beautiful kids and lives in Juneau.)
Anyway, more photos will follow.

Monday, January 5, 2009

The Problem with Pacifism

The problem with pacifism as an enduring ideology is succintly stated as follows:

Pale Ebenezer thought it wrong to fight
But Roaring Bull (who killed him) thought it right.

Hilaire Belloc, The Pacifist (1938). That is all.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Christmas with the Whirling Dervish

We spent the holidays with Dem's family. Since the Claysons are more numerous than the Yankee's farm teams, each person is assigned one family member for which they are to buy a present. This year, Erick was assigned Elliot. Much to Elliot's (and our) satisfaction, Erick bought Elliot a drum and clothes in Afghanistan. Elliot digs the drum (well, he actually digs anything he can hit, thereby causing it to make noise), and the clothes make him look like a little Whirling Dervish.

Now, all he needs is a pomegranate, a conversion to Islam, and a beard, and he could pass for a native Afghan.